
Telescope*: Celestron C6 with Starizona Hypestar f/2 optics

Guide Scope: Stellarvue 50 mm

Main Cameras: ZWO ASI294, ASI533, ASI1600

Guide Camera: ASI 120

Mount: iOptron CEM70

Electric Focuser: ASI EAF

Control Software: N.I.N.A. and Firecature

Image Processing Software: PixInsight & Photoshop

Observatory Building & Dome: Explora-Dome

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Data Collection

Operation of the telescope, cameras, and dome is
controlled remotely from inside my house through
the Wi-Fi system.

Image data is collected as a series of 1 to 5 min.
exposures over a period of up to about 6 hours.

Images are then processed with a combination of first
PixInsight software then Adobe Photoshop to tune
and print final images.

Other telescopes:

6 & 8 in. Newtonians

William Optics: RedCat 51, ZS61, ZS80, FS98

iOptron: Maksutov 150 mm